
“Payte and their inspectors have always been there when I needed them…” – District Rep. Acton-Agua Dulce USD

Your projects are important and represent countless hours of hard work and planning. Your funds are limited and you have pressure to meet the needs of your students and staff and deliver on the promises you’ve made to the parents and taxpayers. You have to meet hard deadlines and stay within tight budgets while trying to turn “needs lists” and ideas into actual safe, functional, and attractive environments for your students. We want to play our part in helping you achieve those goals and we have the experience and know-how to do it.
Function and safety is job one, but design is what inspires.
The two most important aspects of inspection are knowledge and experience and our inspectors have that in droves. We have had inspectors from every background: from carpenters and masons to architects, engineers, and even former Directors of Facilities. Who better to trust with function, safety, and design than people who have been responsible for these kinds of designs themselves or the math involved in protecting your students or even directly answerable to their communities the way you are?
Value is in the eye of the beholder.
  • We are your contact in the field.
    We keep an eye on the quality of work and ensure the products and materials you paid for are the ones you receive.
  • We coordinate and track all required tests and special inspections to make sure everything is cleared as we move through the various phases of construction. Closing jobs with certification, so you can start your next projects when you’re ready, is something we take seriously.
  • We are full service. When you hire a PAYTE Inspector, you hire the entire company every time. From Stephen Payte himself to every employee in our company, you have the full service of every one of us for every project – regardless of size.
  • Timelines and budgets are also at the forefront of our minds, which is why we put such an emphasis on being proactive. It’s not just identifying non-compliant work that makes us a value to the project, it’s identifying non-compliant work before it’s too late to be easily corrected that helps make a project run smoothly.
Clear, concise communication is the key to success in projects with many people and moving parts involved
We value communication in every way and are acutely aware, as your District’s eyes on the ground, that we are your unbiased conduit to your building projects. Beyond our DSA-mandated job duties we know that you entrust us to look out for the District’s best interests and we take that trust seriously. With PAYTE you will know what is going on at all times on your projects; you will know about potential issues before they arise and you will know that you have a partner looking out for you and making sure nothing is missed or mishandled.

Let’s build something beautiful

Payte Inspections is the most professional, efficient inspection company our District has ever worked with.