What We Do

We are your extra set of eyes with duties including

  • One week of plan and specification review to achieve a thorough understanding of the project. This time will include the review and posting of all addenda as well as tabbing and highlighting of plans for ease of reference. Notes will be taken and if any areas of concern are identified they will be communicated to the project team.
  • During this mobilization period, the inspector will organize their office space and set up the filing system (electronic or hard copy) to keep all of the documents necessary to systematically inspect the project as well as facilitate DSA certification when work is complete.
  • During the construction phase, the inspector will make multiple daily rounds of the job site. They will be checking the quality and conformance of work and taking notes to include in their reports. Trailer or office time is always necessary due to the paperwork load the job requires, but these consistent site walks are vital for keeping the project on track.
  • The inspector will be available for any questions the contractors may have and will spend a significant amount of time referencing the plans and specs trying to help the team come up with solutions.
  • Inspection requests will be received and filed and the inspector will use the time between receipt and the scheduled inspection to study the plans/specs as necessary. After the inspection they will document the results.
  • When materials/products are delivered to the site the inspector will check that they match the approved submittals. Any substandard or unapproved materials will be documented and communicated to the team.
  • They will coordinate with the contractor/CM to schedule all tests and special inspections that will be required from the Lab. They will be very familiar with the DSA 103 T&I worksheet and monitor that the items are all completed.
  • When the lab technician or special inspector arrives they will monitor the inspection/test and ensure they are fulfilling their duties competently.
  • If the inspector identifies work that is out of compliance they will use a progression of verbal to written notifications to communicate the issue to the contractor. Verbal is the first step and is often enough to get the contractor to correct the work. Though this is verbal to the contractor it will also be documented in the inspectors’ reports and communicated up the ladder through the agreed-upon channels. These items will be discussed at the weekly meetings where any uncertainties or disagreements can be resolved. If there is no action to correct the work it may be necessary to write a notice of non-compliance or a deviation notice. A deviation notice is the last resort as it will be uploaded to the DSA Box. Deviation notices will be tracked and followed up on by the inspector until resolved and removed from the record.
  • The inspector will be prepared to take an active role in all weekly meetings. They will answer questions and work with the team to come up with solutions. They will also use this time to address any open items or issues that could cause delays in work or complicate the closeout and certification of the project by DSA.
  • The inspector will maintain regular communication with DSA and be available for “Field Trips” where they will walk the site with the area DSA Field Engineer. The inspector will act as a liaison between the District/architect and the Field Engineer with the ultimate goal of receiving DSA certification in a timely manner.
  • Orderly and easily accessible job files will be updated and maintained at all times. These will include daily reports, inspection requests, approved submittals, RFI log, change order log as well as updated plans and specs. The portion of files that will be uploaded to the DSA Box will include semi-monthly reports, inspection cards, deviation notices, and various notifications. All items required to be uploaded will be done within DSA prescribed timeframes and will be professionally written and thorough. The inspection card will be updated as necessary to keep the project moving forward.
  • Depending on job size and duration, hundreds to thousands of pictures will be taken of the general progression of work as well as details of construction. These will be attached to the inspectors’ daily reports and used to clarify items of concern or illustrate work that is out of compliance.
  • Towards the end of the project, the inspector will start compiling notes and creating a punch list. They will be available to walk the site with District representatives or architects to go over or assist in the creation of a complete punch list. As items are addressed the inspector will be available to re-inspect and verify completion.
  • At the completion of work the inspector will assist as necessary in the closeout and
    certification of the project and deliver the completed job file to the District.

Let’s Build Something Beautiful

Payte Inspections is the most professional, efficient inspection company our District has ever worked with.